Muhamad Na'im B Ab Razak (jacknaim) is a fresh graduate Muslim Doctor from Universiti Sains Malaysia and waiting for the enrollment into the housemanship program. Ambitious in pursuing master program in emergency and traumatology medicine and loves to spent his free time joining humanitarian missions, writing and speaks as an amateur public speaker in motivation and comparative religion. [HOME]

OSCE pro III series 10


1) Episiotomy (surgical cut that is made to the perineum during the pushing stage of labour.)

2)Layer of cutting

a)Layers of cutting:
c)Subcutaneous tissue
d)Vaginal mucosa
f)Deep and superficial transverse perineal muscle

3)Complication of episiotomy

-Tear (first degree, second degree and third degree)
-Delayed healing of episiotomy scar
-fistula in ano

5)Indication for episiotomy

a)Perineum threatens to tear extensively
b)Forceps delivery
c)Breech delivery

d)Conditions where fast delivery is indicated
-Tight perineum
-Primigravida (not a primary indication anymore)
-Scarred perineum
-Occipitoposterior position