Muhamad Na'im B Ab Razak (jacknaim) is a fresh graduate Muslim Doctor from Universiti Sains Malaysia and waiting for the enrollment into the housemanship program. Ambitious in pursuing master program in emergency and traumatology medicine and loves to spent his free time joining humanitarian missions, writing and speaks as an amateur public speaker in motivation and comparative religion. [HOME]

Twin pregnancy


Notes: Account for only 3% of all live births, they responsible of a disproportionate share of perinatal morbidity and mortality


- Accelerated weight gain

- Hyperemesis gravidarum

- Sensation of moving of more than one fetus

- Infertility treatment by ovulation-inducing agents or gamete/zygote transfer

- family history of dizygotic twins

Notes: certain race like Africa has higher risk factor to have multiple pregnancies.

Physical examination

- Presence of more than 2 poles (need to excludes fibroid)

- Usually, the abdomen size is bigger than corresponds date

- Polyhydramnios

- Presence of two or more fetal heart sounds on pinnard auscultation.

Classification of multiple pregnancies

a) Number of fetus (twin, triplet, quadruplets)

b) Number of fertilized egg (zygosity; mono,di)

c) Number of placenta (chorionicity)

d) Number of amniotic cavity (amnionicity)

Complication of multiple pregnancies

To the mother

1) Hyperemesis gravidarum and in fact all physiological response towards pregnancy will be exaggerated.

2) Exacerbation of chronic illness

3) Severe anemia in pregnancy

4) DIC secondary to fetal death.

5) Miscarriage

6) Preterm labour.

7) Polyhydramnios

8) Pre eclampsia.

9) Placenta abruptio

10) Post partum hemorrhage.

11) Higher risk for developing GDM

Others: acute fatty liver, pulmonary embolism

To the fetus

1) IUD of one fetus


3) Fetal abnormality

4) Pre term delivery

5) Low birth weight

6) Acute respiratory distress syndrome.

7) Congenital abnormality (mental retardation, Siamese twin, cerebral palsy)

Others: twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP)/ acardiac twinning