Muhamad Na'im B Ab Razak (jacknaim) is a fresh graduate Muslim Doctor from Universiti Sains Malaysia and waiting for the enrollment into the housemanship program. Ambitious in pursuing master program in emergency and traumatology medicine and loves to spent his free time joining humanitarian missions, writing and speaks as an amateur public speaker in motivation and comparative religion. [HOME]

MCQ Orthopedic set 1


Question 1

a) F (Red marrow is hematopoietic and the only marrow found in neonates.

b) T

c) T

d) T

e) T

Question 2

a) F (red marrow)

b) T

c) T

d) T (sensorineural if due to cochlear dysfunction or conductive loss due to ankylosis of ossicles)

e) T

Question 3

a) F(hypocalcaemia)

b) T

c) F (Hyperparathyroidism)

d) F( excess Ca2+ more than 40 mg/dl is rapidly fatal)

a) T (Differential diagnosis includes bone malignancy, vitamin D intoxication and sarcoidosis)

Question 4

a) T

b) F (Hyperphosphatemia)

c) T

d) T (estrogen are believed to play little role through moderating other hormones like PTH)

e) T (By inhibiting collagen synthesis. Chronic use of prednisolone also associated with increase in PTH and ALP and increase calcium excretion)

Question 5

a) F (Stimulates by decrease level of ionized calcium in extracellular fluid.

b) T

c) T

d) T

e) F (Total thyroidectomy may resulting in iatrogenic removal of Parathyroid gland)


1. Roger Dee, Enrico Mango & Lawrence C. Hurst, “Principles of Orthopaedic Practice volume 1”, Mc Graw Hill, 1989.